Oberheim MIDI magicBox

Standard controls

ProgramChange 0...111
ChannelPressure 0...127
NoteOn 24...84
NoteOff 24...84
Pitch ±2 Semitones
Modulation  cc 01 0...127
Portamento  cc 05 0...127
AllNotesOff cc 123 0

Global controls on MIDI channel 16

cc 77 MOD Wheel AMT 0...127
cc 79 Keyboard Mode 0...1 Memory, Cycle (polyphonic voice allocation)
cc 89 Number of Voices 1...8
cc 90 MIDI RX-Channel 1...16 (0 = Omni)
cc 114 Device Select 1 ... 3 (1 = OB-SX,  2 = OB-X,  3 = OB-Xa) don't forget to confirm with cc#115
cc 115 Device Change 127 (changes the selected device and makes it permanant)

Global controls channel independent

cc 78 Parameter Feedback Request. (used by OSC)
cc 85 Select Preset 1...56 (read only)
cc 86 Select Program 1...56 (read/write)
cc 87 LOAD Preset
cc 88 SAVE Program
cc 107 DUMP SysEx

OB-SX, OB-X, OB-Xa Rotary Parameter

cc 06 VCF_ATK 0...127
cc 07 VCA_ATK 0...127
cc 08 VCF_DCY 0...127
cc 09 VCA_REL 0...127
cc 10 VCF_FREQ 0...127
cc 11 OSC2_DET 0...127
cc 12 LFO_FREQ 0...127
cc 13 PORTAMTO 0...127
cc 14 VCA_DCY 0...127
cc 15 VCF_SUS 0...127
cc 16 VCA_SUS 0...127
cc 17 VCF_REL 0...127
cc 18 RESONANCE 127...0
cc 19 VCF_ADSR 0...127
cc 20 PLS_WDTH 0...127
cc 21 MOD 0...127
cc 22 PW_MOD 0...127
cc 23 OSC2_FRQ 0...127
cc 24 OSC1_FRQ 0...127

Switch Parameter

cc 25 Switch Group 1
cc 26 Switch Group 2
cc 27 Switch Group 3

How to Setup a BCR2000

  1. Set your BCR2000 to receive MIDI data via the MIDI input.
    Hold down the EDIT button and press the STORE button.
    Use the first encoder in the top row to choose S-3.

  2. Make sure your BCR has the correct SysEx ID by using the 5th rotary encoder in the top row
    and set it to ID number 1.
    At least press the EXIT button.

  3. Now send the SysEx file to your BCR2000.
    Successfully incoming SysEx data is shown in the display as a circular movement.
    The BCR first saves the incoming data in a temporary memory area.
    Before this data can be used, it must be saved in one of the 32 BCR2000 PRESETS.

In order to do this,

  1. Press the STORE button, (the store LED blinks).

  2. Use the PRESET cursor keys to select a preset location.

  3. Press STORE again.

That's it.

more details