After power on, midimax goes to preset # 1
We provide several SysEx files to feed your midimax with different MIDI Controller settings.
To get your favored setup as default,
load the corresponding SysExt file to your midimax preset location # 1.
You have several options to do this.
Llist of the midimax setup library
To hold the complete library simultaneously in your midimax flashrom memory,
simply use the midimax manager software.
There are different files available in our download area.
The "Library04032004.bnk" file contains all supported controller setups mentioned above.
Library04032004.bnk - Table of Contents:
Program 1 / MIDI channel 1 = Creamware Minimax SFP-, NOAH- & MinimaxASB-Mode
Program 2 / MIDI channel 1 = Creamware Minimax XTC Mode
Program 3 / MIDI channel 1 = Creamware Pro-One
Program 4 / MIDI channel 1 = Steinberg Model-E
Program 5 / MIDI channel 1 = Arturia minimoog V
Program 6 / MIDI channel 1-16
This ContinuesController.pst is a
setup for general purpose.
To change the current controller settings, just send a MIDI programchange to your Midimax.
Use MIDI channel 16 to send program changes to your midimax, this ist the factory default global MIDI channel where midimax recognizes incoming program changes.
If required, the global MIDI channel can easily be changed with the Midimax.exe manager software, or with the Midimax.ADA SoundDiver-adaption.
Arturia minimoog VLoad the file into the Arturia minimoog V to work with MIDIMAX Seinberg Model-Ethere's nothing to do, just plug & play